Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: October 2, 2023

Tooldivers.com is a digital marketing website where we write content about digital marketing tools for affiliate purposes. We disclaim that all our content is written honestly to create valuable information and resources for our readers.

Tool Divers team has prepared the following terms and conditions that rule our visitors and readers’ use of our Website and services. Before using our Website, please read the following conditions carefully.

1. Content on the Services:

1.1 In General:

Our priority is relevant and true information about digital marketing tools and services. By improving our content’s quality and reliability, we are sure all readers are satisfied with our services. So, please count it as our value. However, we never guarantee to provide 100% complete and accurate information on time on our Website. You are using our content at your own risk.

1.2 Ownership:

All content, resources, and materials on our Website, including but not limited to photographs, graphics, images, text, logos, domain, audio and videos, and software, are the ownership of ToolDivers.com or its licensors. Copyright and other relevant intellectual property laws protect all the contents and materials. You may not modify, distribute, reproduce, or publicly display our Website’s contents without our prior written agreement and consent letter.

2. User-Generated Content:

2.1 Prohibited Actions:

If you want to post or submit any content to our Website, you should not do any of the following inadmissible actions:

  • Posting false, misleading, or fraudulent content.
  • Posting offensive and harassing content or any post that violates the privacy rights of others
  • Content that occupies and infringes upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.
  • Uploading malicious code, infectious contents, and any virus
  • Engaging in any phishing, spamming, or spoofing.

2.2 Exclusive Right to Manage User Submissions:

Tooldivers.com reserves the exclusive right to manage and moderate user submissions. At our discretion, we may remove or edit user-generated content that violates these Terms and Conditions or is otherwise deemed inappropriate.

2.3 License to Tooldivers.com of Your User Submissions:

Whenever you submit any content or information on our Website, you automatically grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, and transferable license to us. In this case, the Tool Divers team can use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and display your content anytime in connection with our services. You retain ownership of your content.

2.4 Warranties and Representations Related to Your User Submissions:

You represent and warrant that:

  • You own or have the necessary rights to the content you submit.
  • Your content does not infringe upon third parties’ intellectual property or privacy rights.
  • Your material complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

2.5 Responsibility of Users:

Users are fully responsible for the materials and content they submit to Tooldivers.com. We do not guarantee or endorse the accuracy of user-generated content, and we disclaim any liability for such content.

2.6 Non-Confidentiality of Your User Submissions:

You understand and acknowledge that the user-generated content you submit to Tooldivers.com is not confidential. We may make such content available to the public, and search engines may index it.

2.7 Unsolicited Email, Spamming & Spoofing:

We strictly prohibits using our services for unsolicited email, spamming, or spoofing. Users found engaging in such activities may have their accounts suspended or terminated.

3. Links to Third-Party Websites:

We may link the contains to third-party websites. These links are provided for informational and affiliate purposes only, and we do not endorse or control the content of these websites. You access and visit third-party websites at your own risk, and we disclaim any liability for your interactions with them. However, we try our best to link our Website to accredited and lawful websites.

4. Copyright or Intellectual Property Infringement Notification:

If you witness and believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated on Tooldivers.com, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us with a detailed notification at tooldivers@gmail.com, including:

  • Identification of the copyrighted effort or intellectual property right claimed to have been infringed.
  • Information about the infringing material and its location on our Website
  • Your contact information.
  • We will promptly investigate and take proper action upon receipt of a valid infringement notification.

By using our Website, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using our services. Tooldivers.com reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time, and your continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of any revisions.

If you still have questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please email us at Tooldivers@gmail.com.